Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Orange Can Prevent Colon Cance

Tips And Tricks : Bright orange-skinned fruit that is already popular. It feels fresh acid and vitamin C was chosen as a good source. Create fond of eating oranges, you are going to double the benefits of this refreshing fruit!Fruit that has a variety of benefits, is indeed familiar.

There are dozens of varieties of oranges that taste sour to sweet. Although different colors, shapes and flavors, orange have in common, which is rich in antioxidants, high mineral and vitamin C.Like other fruits, citrus fruits good to eat besides there were also many benefits. Oranges are not only as fresh fruit can also be processed into drinks and various cakes.  

Orange juice is made, is a classic breakfast menu options. Of course as a complement to a day's nutritional needs.Everyone knows a lot of vitamin C in the bladder by orange, one orange supplies 116.2% to the daily value for vitamin C. It turned out that vitamin C is also associated with decreased risk of colon cancer. Because it can fight free radicals that cause damage to DNA. 

Vitamin C also has an important role for the immune system. so good to prevent colds and ear infections repeatedly. Antioxidants contained in oranges also helps protect the skin from free radical damage, which we know as the cause of wrinkles and signs - the signs of aging on the face.Eating grapefruit every day can help you look younger in the age of 50 years.  

Oranges are also rich in vitamin B6, which helps the production of hemoglobin and magnesium content to maintain blood pressure.According to a study of U.S. and Canada, the compound found in orange peel Polymenthoxylated called flavonoids (PMFs) have other properties.  

Substance that smelled fresh piercing can lower cholesterol more effectively than on a drug - drugs.Fiber contained in citrus may help keep blood sugar levels. Because it is the fruit of citrus fruits are healthful for diabetics. Natural sugar in oranges, fructose may help keep blood sugar levels rise too high after eating citrus fruits.In addition to citrus, other fruits and vegetables rich in beta-carotene are yellow squash, corn, red sweet potato. Eating fruits and vegetables can prevent the risk of lung cancer. Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...


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