Saturday, May 7, 2011

Let's Start Eating Red Rice

Want to start living healthier? Try beginning to incorporate various sources of healthy nutrients such as wheat or grains. Red rice, black rice or whole wheat bread is not only filling but can also make the body more healthy!
Recent years wheat and brown rice to be excellent for those who do the diet. Because wheat contains high fiber, rich in minerals, vitamins and j. No wonder the grain including the 'superfood' that can reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
Not only wheat but still there are other foods made from grains that could help the diet There are 6 simple ways to get healthy source of carbohydrate consumption in the daily menu.

Whole Wheat Flour Mixture
If you love to bake cookies or bread and pizza, replace it with wheat flour with whole wheat flour. Whole wheat flour price is relatively more expensive because it began to replace some regular flour with some wheat flour.

Replace White Rice with Red Rice
Begin to replace white rice with brown rice or black rice. Sugar content in brown rice or black rice is much less than white rice. In addition, much higher fiber content and vitamin B it more. Brown rice or black rice is commonly found in supermarkets with a choice of regular or organic rice. In addition to red rice or black rice, there are types of wheat, quinoa can also be used as a substitute for rice.

Try the Whole Wheat Pasta
Whole wheat is now not only used as a porridge or bread alone, but also can be used to make pasta. No need to bother him, because now a lot of pasta made of wheat sold in the market. Pasta derived from whole wheat is preferred because the fiber content of three times more than ordinary wheat. Pasta from wheat can keep blood sugar levels under normal conditions.

Snacks from the Grain and Grain
Do not just up to the main foods are replaced with wheat and grain, try to create a menu cover from wheat or other grain types. It could also incorporate nuts into a flour muffins are mixed with whole wheat flour, or add dried fruit and nuts with yogurt. Besides adding taste good, are also more beneficial for the body.

rosemary Rich Benefits

Needle leaved herb is commonly dubbed as rosemary. Delicious fragrant aroma, make this herb is always combined with various types of cuisine. Not only that, this herb can also be cure several diseases.
If you often cook in the kitchen, spice this one must have been familiar with you. At first glance, very similar to rosemary leaf pine tree needles. But the difference, if crushed rosemary leaves will issue a distinctive scent. Usually, rosemary is used for seasoning blend Middle Eastern or Mediterranean cuisine.

 Apparently, the herb also has properties that quite a lot to health.
Relieve Bloated Stomach The aroma is fragrant rosemary make often brewed as a hot drink. Its function is to relieve abdominal distention by reducing water retention.
Muscles relax In some places, spa, rosemary usually used as a natural liniment. Because rosemary can help relax tense muscles or stiff after doing strenuous activity.
Sharpen Characteristic aroma of fragrant rosemary, may help stimulate the brain to remember something. Fragrant scent into the neurotransmitters that increase brain memory capabilities.
Anti-Carcinogenicity Insert rosemary into everyday cuisine will help live healthier. Why? Because rosemary is anti carcinogenic that can avoid the substances that can trigger cancer than other foods. Natural antioxidants contained in rosemary can reduce cancer-triggering compounds up to 92%.
Besides the benefits listed above, which has the Latin name of rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis also contain calcium, iron and vitamin B6.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Vitamins of the Best Food Equipment

Vitamins are a good friend's body for a variety of functions. Even if only in small amounts, but vitamin with minerals each have specific functions and are included in the main nutrients the body needs.
Vitamin is an organic molecule that is necessary for the body metabolism and normal growth. This vitamin can not be produced by the body and must be met from outside the body or through food.
Lately, more and more sold food additives or food supplement and vitamins. There is a liquid, tablet, or capsule. Reasons of practicality and indiscriminate eating patterns is the reason many people in urban areas to take these supplements.
If we take vitamin supplements, vitamin content was alone. Better fruits or vegetables because it also contained vitamins and minerals, fiber, fluids, and other important fitokemikal,
Also from vitamin supplements, especially if high doses could increase the risk of excess body vitamins. You see, it could be our body is actually just a specific vitamin deficiency. If we take supplements complex, we will also get the vitamins that may not be needed by the body.
Water-soluble vitamins, like vitamin B and C, also can not be stored in large quantities in the body. Excess of this vitamin will be issued via the urine, thus would be superfluous if we consume water-soluble vitamins in high doses.

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